Two years ago former Rugby World Editor, Paul Morgan was 125kg (about 20 stone in old money) and today he is 100kg. Part of the reason for the drop off in weight is to honour one of the great men of rugby, Andy Ripley and run the Virgin London Marathon in his honour.
“It is a race I have always wanted to run, especially as my wife (Jo) once finished 10th in the race in a time of 2hrs 32 mins, but never thought I would, being a little (!!) overweight,” says Paul (pictured below).

Paul Morgan alongside Wilko
“But, well Andy was a special guy who inspired a lot of people. I am one of them.”
“So I am running this year’s London Marathon as part of Team PB, aising money for better support, information and research into prostate and breast cancer.
“No I know loads of people run the London Marathon and even more do more amazing feats, and you get loads of requests for sponsorship.
“But for me – well I never thought I would ever run 10 miles let alone 26 miles so I would ask you to dig deep in Andy’s memory, as I will be.”
“Click this link to sponsor Paul and as Andy would say: ‘Stay Fab!'”