More than 70 doctors and academics have called for a ban on tackling in rugby matches played in UK and Irish schools. The proposals have caused a stir in rugby circles so we take a look at the views of players, coaches and medical professionals in the debate

Allyson Pollock, Professor of Public Health Research and Policy, has written an open letter to UK and Irish Government Ministers calling for a ban on tackling in rugby matches played in UK and Irish schools.

Over 70 academics, doctors, and public health professionals have signed the letter which calls for a ban of the collision elements of rugby within school systems, so that children play touch and non-contact rugby.

The letter states that there is evidence showing a 28% risk of injury for a child rugby player over a season but critics claim that when taken in context of other sports and activities rugby is actually a relatively safe sport.

The rugby community has reacted strongly to this proposal and we have published the views of current and former players, as well as coaches and scientists on both sides of the debate.

We give our thoughts on the debate in our latest Podcast so have a listen and be sure to let us know what you think on Twitter and Facebook.